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Governance and politics

For the Grassroots and Nexia reports on the financial performance of the Norfolk Island Regional Council, see the page on public budgeting.


See the 2004 report of the Joint Standing Committee examining departmental reports: Norfolk Island: Review of the Annual Reports of the Department of Transport and Regional Services and the Department of the Environment and Heritage. There are extensive treatments of issues of contemporary concern. Consult the webpage of the Parliament for media releases, submissions to the enquiry and the Government’s response.


Final report November 2021 of Commissioner Carolyn McNally</strongw


Landing page of the Joint Standing Committee of Parliament 2023-2024 inquiry. The Committee’s public submissions page includes many thoughtful and highly noteworthy submissions from Island people who know a great deal about the Island’s circumstances. Read the JSC report here. See in particular the seven recommendations. To publish a comment on the governance model, submit a message in the template here.


Early in August 2023, the Australian Government announced the establishment of a Norfolk Island Governance Committee which would include elected representatives of the Island’s population and the Australian and Queensland Governments – click here (web version) or here (pdf version) or the Committee’s website for details. This Committee is to prepare for representative democracy and advise the Australian Government on the most appropriate future institutional arrangements. As part of community engagement activities in their elected roles, the Norfolk Island Governance Committee community representatives meet at the Supper Room, Rawson Hall every Wednesday from 4:00pm to 6:00pm (unless it is a public holiday) to meet with members of the community. Any community organisation wishing to have a meeting with the community representatives or any person wishing to have a private discussion, please email to arrange this.

On 24 February 2024, the KLC hosted a meeting to give Island people a further opportunity to respond to the JSC report. The minutes of that meeting have been submitted to the Norfolk Island Governance Committee.

Feedback from Islanders

Submissions and thought pieces that Islanders have allowed KLC to publish can be found on a Feedback page.